Case Studies - Resume Parser
In medium-to-large organizations, recruiters receive many resumes daily. These resumes are the first source of information that recruiters use to filter out successful candidates. The process of screening resumes has mainly been manual—until now.
In an ideal world, recruiters would have the time to read through all the resumes they receive and evaluate candidates based on the skills, experience, and academic background they list. However, if they searched for relevant information through each resume in detail, it would take an enormous amount of time.
In a practical world, recruiters are bound to follow one of the following to complete the task:
- They skim through all of the resumes in the shortest possible time and pick the suitable ones based on one glance.
- They perform a detailed scan of a small sample of resumes and pick the right ones out of them.
Both of these approaches bring a significant amount of risk with them, as organizations likely lose out on deserving candidates even after spending a lot of time and effort. So the apparent need is to have a searchable resume database that automatically extracts all of the relevant information from candidates’ resumes.
The complexity of the task is mainly due to variations in resume templates. These variations are the only reason why a rule-based resume parser does not perform as expected.
Minerva solves this problem using a three-step approach:
- State-of-the-art deep NLP algorithms solve one of the main hurdles—understanding the context of a word.
- A custom NER model uses the deep information extraction approach to classify named entities in resumes into predefined categories such as Experience, Skills, Educational Background, and Personal Details.
- The application extracts required information and stores it in a database with a unique record against each candidate, making finding suitable candidates extremely easy for recruiters.
- Enables parsing of resumes and CVs of all familiar formats such as PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF
- Integrates easily with any business application
- Combines the power of OCR and deep NLP to achieve high accuracy
- Saves an enormous amount of time and manual effort
- Improves candidates’ experiences, which contributes to a positive brand image
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